Help Bls
  • Why does it take so long between exchange/option selection?

    Due to the way Tradingview widgets work, there needs to be a cooldown period or you will get IP throttled after too many requests.

  • Ok I get that, why aren't my charts loading :(

    Please give it 10-30 seconds and refresh if you see half-filled circles or a blank chart, or clear your cookies and try again.

  • Wen giveaway?

    We will be doing up to 5 PREMIUM NFT (tubby cats, cryptoadz, etc.) giveaways for LIFETIME members.

    Please check our twitter for more information.

  • What is LIFETIME??

    We are offering a promotion for early adopters that replaces our 'Pro' tier (a monthly plan).

    Early supporters will get a perpetual subscription so long as our servers stay running, plus many other benefits.

    This means you do not have to pay ever again to access our premium features from the same address (no exceptions).

  • Wym 'whitelist'?

    We are whitelisting our LIFETIME members for premium features, giveaways, and more

    If you are a LIFETIME member, you may receive tokens or an NFT later on as a license for your subscription, allowing transferability 😮

  • Weird error on page with code (oops) or other bugs

    Please Contact Us via form. Thanks!

  • Wen new features ser?

    We are actively working on developing new free & premium features for the platform.

  • What do you do with my money?

    Payments for services offered by chrtGrid go towards improving the product and keeping the lights on.

    Servers aren't cheap and everything is built in-house. We really appreciate you 💖

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